24 Ocak 2010 Pazar

ELGG: "elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials" HATASI

Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials!

        Kurulum sirasinda bu gibi hatalar alindiginda, hatanin browser (internet explorer, mozilla vs.) ile bir ilgisi yoktur. Hata veritabani bilgilerinden kaynaklaniyordur.

        Windows isletim sistemi altinda bu hatayi:

        C:\xampp/htdocs/elgg1.5/engine/ dizinin altinda ki settings.example.php dosyasinin öncelikle adini settings.php olarak degistirip, sonra dosyayi açip içerisinde veritabani kullanicilari ile ilgili bölümü elle doldurabiliriz ya da hatanin olustugu sayfa da ekranda görünen kodu bu dosyanin içerisine oldugu gibi kopyalayabiliriz. FAKAT < ? php NOT: Bu kısımı, kodları kopyaladığınız settings.php dosyası içerisinde birleşik yazılmış biçimde düzeltiniz. BU UYARIYI DİKKATE ALMAYI UNUTMAYINIZ! :)

        Bu sekilde sorunun çözülmesi gerekli.

ÖRNEĞİN: Aşağıda ki kodlar settings.php içerisine kopyalamamiz gereken kodlar.

< ? php

* Elgg settings
* Elgg manages most of its configuration from the admin panel. However, we need you to
* include your database settings below.
* @todo Turn this into something we handle more automatically.

global $CONFIG;
if (!isset($CONFIG))
$CONFIG = new stdClass;

* Standard configuration
* You will use the same database connection for reads and writes.
* This is the easiest configuration, and will suit 99.99% of setups. However, if you're
* running a really popular site, you'll probably want to spread out your database connections
* and implement database replication. That's beyond the scope of this configuration file
* to explain, but if you know you need it, skip past this section.

// Database username
$CONFIG->dbuser = 'veritabani için belirledigimiz kullanici adini buraya yazmaliyiz. Örnegin: "elgg"';

// Database password
$CONFIG->dbpass = 'veritabani için belirledigimiz sifreyi buraya yazmaliyiz. Örnegin: "12345"';

// Database name
$CONFIG->dbname = 'veritabani için belirledigimiz adi buraya yazmaliyiz. Örnegin: "elgg"';

// Database server
// (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')
$CONFIG->dbhost = 'localhost';

// Database table prefix
// If you're sharing a database with other applications, you will want to use this
// to differentiate Elgg's tables.
$CONFIG->dbprefix = 'elgg_';

* Multiple database connections
* Here you can set up multiple connections for reads and writes. To do this, uncomment out
* the lines below.


// Yes! We want to split reads and writes
$CONFIG->db->split = true;

// Database username
$CONFIG->db['read']->dbuser = "";

// Database password
$CONFIG->db['read']->dbpass = "";

// Database name
$CONFIG->db['read']->dbname = "";

// Database server
// (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')
$CONFIG->db['read']->dbhost = "localhost";

// Database username
$CONFIG->db['write']->dbuser = "";

// Database password
$CONFIG->db['write']->dbpass = "";

// Database name
$CONFIG->db['write']->dbname = "";

// Database server
// (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')
$CONFIG->db['write']->dbhost = "localhost";


* For extra connections for both reads and writes, you can turn both
* $CONFIG->db['read'] and $CONFIG->db['write'] into an array, eg:
* $CONFIG->db['read'][0]->dbhost = "localhost";
* Note that the array keys must be numeric and consecutive, i.e., they start
* at 0, the next one must be at 1, etc.

* Memcache setup (optional)
* This is where you may optionally set up memcache.
* Requirements:
* 1) One or more memcache servers (http://www.danga.com/memcached/)
* 2) PHP memcache wrapper (http://uk.php.net/manual/en/memcache.setup.php)
* Note: Multiple server support is only available on server 1.2.1 or higher with PECL library > 2.0.0
//$CONFIG->memcache = true;
//$CONFIG->memcache_servers = array (
// array('server1', 11211),
// array('server2', 11211)

* Some work-around flags.

// Try uncommenting the below if your notification emails are not being sent
// $CONFIG->broken_mta = true;

* Url - I am not sure if this will be here ?

// URL
$CONFIG->url = "";


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